30 RxJS Interview Questions and Answers [2024]

If you’re preparing for a job interview where RxJS knowledge is required, you’ll want to brush up on some common questions and answers related to this library. This article presents 30 such questions, providing comprehensive responses to help you get ready for your big day.

From basic queries about what RxJS is, to more complex problems related to its functionality and use, the range of questions covered is wide. The answers provided not only address the question but also provide relevant background information. By studying these, you’re setting yourself up for success in your upcoming interview.

1. What Is RxJS And How Does It Differ From Other JavaScript Libraries?

Tips to Answer:

  • Discuss the fundamental principles of RxJS, focusing on its reactive programming paradigm.
  • Discuss how RxJS differs from other JavaScript libraries by comparing and contrasting their key features and use cases.

Sample Answer: RxJS, short for Reactive Extensions for JavaScript, is a library for reactive programming. It uses Observables, making it easier to compose asynchronous or callback-based code. This differs from other JavaScript libraries because it provides a solution for managing asynchronous data calls in a way that is more flexible and powerful than Promises, for example.

In contrast to many other JavaScript libraries that focus on UI (User Interface) interactions and DOM (Document Object Model) manipulation, RxJS is more about dealing with asynchronous operations and events. It helps developers to manage and coordinate complex sequences of events in a simple and declarative way.

One of the key differences between RxJS and other JavaScript libraries is that it allows for the handling of a multitude of events as a stream. This is a very powerful feature, especially when dealing with real-time data or complex event-driven applications.

2. Explain The Concept Of Reactive Programming And How RxJS Implements It.

Tips to Answer:

  • Focus on the core principles of reactive programming and how it applies to RxJS. It’s a good idea to highlight the fact that reactive programming is a paradigm where the program reacts to changes. It’s about programming with asynchronous data streams.
  • When discussing how RxJS implements reactive programming, mention Observables, which are a key part of RxJS. Observables are used to model push-based data sources such as user interface events, HTTP requests, and others.

Sample Answer: As a software developer, I often use the reactive programming paradigm in which my program reacts to data changes. This style of programming is about interacting with asynchronous data streams. RxJS, a library for reactive programming, uses the concept of Observables to implement this. An Observable in RxJS is a function that packages the stream of values of any type for later use. When a change occurs in our data source, be it a user interface event or an HTTP request, the Observable reacts to it and executes a function. This makes handling asynchronous operations much easier and more efficient in our applications. It’s a powerful concept that helps me to build more responsive and user-friendly software.

3. What Are Observables In RxJS? How Do They Differ From Promises?

Tips to Answer:

  • Understand the concept and functionalities of Observables and Promises.
  • Be clear on the differences between Observables and Promises, focusing on their behavior and use cases.

Sample Answer: In RxJS, an Observable is a function that produces a stream of values over time. It allows you to handle asynchronous events as collections. Now, how they differ from Promises? Well, a Promise is something that will eventually complete, yielding a single value. But an Observable, on the other hand, can yield multiple values over time. That’s the key difference.

For instance, if you are dealing with multiple events, like user clicks or data updates, Observables are a better choice because they provide the tools to transform and combine these streams. However, if you’re dealing with a single asynchronous operation, such as fetching data from a server, a Promise could be more suitable.

Also, Observables are lazy, meaning they don’t start producing values until someone subscribes to them. Promises, in contrast, are eager and will execute immediately upon creation.

Lastly, Observables provide operators like map, filter, and reduce, similar to arrays, so you can manipulate the data stream easily.

4. Describe The Difference Between Hot And Cold Observables.

Tips to Answer:

  • Firstly, remember to explain what hot and cold observables are before jumping into their differences. This will show that you understand the fundamentals of each concept.
  • Secondly, use practical examples to illustrate the differences. It’s always easier for people to understand abstract concepts when they’re tied to concrete examples.

Sample Answer: Cold observables start running upon subscription. For instance, if it is an HTTP request, the request is made when you subscribe. Every subscription gets its own independent execution of the observable. Hot observables, on the other hand, are observables that are producing values even before a subscription is active. When you subscribe to a hot observable, you get values from the point of subscription, not from the start of the observable execution. An example would be a live stream video. If you start watching it halfway, you don’t get to see the beginning of the show, you just continue from where it currently is. So, the main difference lies in when the observable execution starts and what happens when a subscriber subscribes to it.

5. What Is The Purpose Of Subjects In RxJS?

Tips to Answer:

  • Begin by describing what Subjects in RxJS are, along with its unique characteristics compared to other Observable sequences.
  • Explain the purpose of Subjects in RxJS by giving practical examples of when and why you would use them.

Sample Answer: As an experienced developer, I use Subjects in RxJS primarily as an event handler. Subjects, in RxJS, are a special type of Observable that allows values to be multicasted to many Observers. Unlike plain Observables, Subjects maintain a registry of many listeners.

The purpose of Subjects lies in their ability to emit and subscribe. They are the only way to multicast a value or event to multiple Observers, which makes them particularly useful when you have values that you want to share among different parts of your application.

For example, if you have an event that updates a user’s profile details, and you need to reflect these changes across various parts of your application like the header, user dashboard, etc., you can use a Subject. When the event occurs, the Subject would emit the new profile details to all subscribed Observers, allowing them to react to the changes accordingly.

Remember, while Subjects are powerful, they should be used sparingly and when it makes sense in your application to avoid unnecessary complexity.

6. Explain The Difference Between Map And Mergemap Operators.

Tips to Answer:

  • Understand the concept and purpose of both map and mergeMap operators.
  • Provide examples for both the operators and explain them.

Sample Answer: The main difference between map and mergeMap operators lies in how they deal with returned Observables. The map operator takes a function as its parameter, applies it to each item that the Observable emits, and then returns a new Observable that emits the results.

For instance, consider an Observable that emits numbers. I can use the map operator to transform the values into their squares.

const numbers$ = Observable.of(1, 2, 3);


  map((n) => n * n)

).subscribe((n) => console.log(n));

On the other hand, the mergeMap operator is used when each emitted item is expected to be an Observable itself. What mergeMap does is that it subscribes to each of these Observables and outputs their values as a single Observable.

Consider the case where I have an Observable that emits Observables, each of which emits numbers. I can use the mergeMap operator to flatten this into a single Observable.

const observables$ = Observable.of(Observable.of(1, 2, 3), Observable.of(4, 5, 6));


  mergeMap((n$) => n$)

).subscribe((n) => console.log(n));

So, while both map and mergeMap apply a function to each emitted item, mergeMap is used when that function returns an Observable, and we want to flatten the result into a single Observable.

7: What Is The Purpose Of The Switchmap Operator? Provide An Example Use Case.

Tips to Answer:

  • Understand the functionality of the switchMap operator. Know how it works and why it is used in RxJS.
  • Provide a real-world example where the switchMap operator can be used effectively. This helps to show that you can apply your theoretical knowledge in practical situations.

Sample Answer: In RxJS, the switchMap operator is used to map each value from a source observable to an inner observable, and then it outputs the values from the most recent inner observable. It essentially “switches” to a new observable as soon as a new value is emitted from the source observable, hence the name switchMap.

One common use case for switchMap is in handling autocomplete suggestions. If a user is typing in a search bar, every keystroke might trigger a new API call to fetch autocomplete suggestions. Using switchMap ensures that if a new keystroke event occurs before the previous API call has completed, the previous call is cancelled and a new one is made. This maintains performance and ensures that the displayed suggestions always match the current input.

So, for example, if a user types “a”, then “ab”, and then “abc” very quickly, only the API call for “abc” will be completed, preventing unnecessary network requests and ensuring the displayed results match the current input. This is one of many examples where switchMap can be very useful.

8. How Does The CombineLatest Operator Work?

Tips to Answer:

  • First, provide a clear explanation of what the combineLatest operator is in RxJS. Make sure you understand its function and how it differs from other operators.
  • Secondly, provide an example to illustrate its use. This will help to demonstrate your practical knowledge and gives you the opportunity to explain how the combineLatest operator works in context.

Sample Answer: The combineLatest operator in RxJS is used when you want to work with multiple observables and combine their values into a single observable. The operator waits until all input observables have emitted at least one value, and then it will combine the latest values from each observable into an array.

Here’s an example of how it works: Assume you have two observables, one that emits values every second, and another that emits values every two seconds. The combineLatest operator would take the latest value from each observable and combine them into an array every time one of the observables emits a new value.

So, if the first observable has emitted values 1, 2, 3 and the second observable has emitted values A, B, the combineLatest operator would have produced arrays [1, A], [2, A], [3, A], [3, B]. This shows that each time any of the observables emit a value, the combineLatest operator responds by combining the latest values from both observables.

9. Describe The Difference Between Forkjoin And Zip Operators

Tips to Answer:

  • Start by explaining what each operator does in the RxJS library. Explain how forkJoin and zip operators work, and also the situation in which they are used.
  • After explaining each operator individually, compare and contrast them. Highlight their main differences. Be sure to use practical examples to illustrate your points.

Sample Answer: In RxJS, the forkJoin and zip operators are used to handle multiple observables. The forkJoin operator is used when you have a group of observables and you want to wait for them to all complete. It’s similar to Promise.all. For example, if you’re making multiple HTTP requests and you want to do something once all the requests have successfully returned.

On the other hand, the zip operator combines the values of observables together as an array. This operator waits until all observables emit a value, then it emits the first value from each as an array. This process continues for subsequent emissions. It’s used when you need to combine values in a pairwise fashion.

The main difference lies in how they treat their input observables. The forkJoin operator treats them as if they were Promises, while the zip operator combines values from each observable on a index basis.

10. What Is The Purpose Of The Catcherror Operator?

Tips to Answer:

  • Understand how the catchError operator works in RxJS and its role in error handling.
  • Share a practical example of how and when to use the catchError operator in code.

Sample Answer: In RxJS, the catchError operator is specifically designed to catch errors that occur during the execution of an Observable sequence. As we know, Observables can emit multiple values over time, and during this process, an error might occur. When an error happens, the catchError operator catches it and allows us to handle it gracefully. Instead of causing the Observable to terminate, the catchError operator replaces the source Observable with a provided Observable or function that returns an Observable.

For instance, consider an Observable that fetches data from an API. If an error occurs during this process, such as a network failure, the catchError operator can catch this error and return a new Observable that emits a predefined default value or error message. This way, the application remains responsive and can continue to function properly.

Remember, proper error handling is crucial in any application, and RxJS’s catchError operator allows us to do just that.

11. Explain The Concept Of Backpressure In RxJS. How Can It Be Handled?

Tips to Answer:

  • Understand the concept of backpressure and how it relates to RxJS. This includes knowing what backpressure is, why it is important in reactive programming, and how it can be managed in RxJS.
  • Provide practical examples of how to handle backpressure in RxJS. This could be through coding examples or explaining specific methods and operators that can be used.

Sample Answer: Backpressure is a situation that occurs when the data production rate by the Observable is higher than the data consumption rate of the Observer. This could potentially lead to memory issues, especially in a large-scale application. In terms of RxJS, backpressure can be handled in several ways. One common method is using specific operators that help control the rate of data flow. For example, the debounceTime operator only emits a value from the source Observable after a particular time span has passed without another source emission, effectively controlling the rate of emissions. Similarly, the buffer operator can gather emitted values from an Observable into an array and emit this array only when a certain condition is met. Another strategy to handle backpressure is to use Subjects, which allow multicasting to multiple observers, effectively sharing the computational cost among multiple subscribers.

12. What is Multicasting in RxJS? How Can You Implement It?

Tips to Answer:

  • Begin your answer by defining multicasting in the context of RxJS to set a good starting point.
  • Discuss how multicasting works in RxJS and provide a simple example to illustrate your explanation.
  • Discuss how to implement multicasting in RxJS. Again, concrete examples can help to make your answer more understandable.

Sample Answer: Multicasting in RxJS refers to the ability of an Observable to emit values or notifications to multiple subscribers. Unlike a regular Observable, which is unicast and creates an independent execution for each subscriber, a multicasting Observable can share its execution among multiple subscribers.

To implement multicasting in RxJS, you can use Subjects or certain operators like multicast(), publish(), share(), etc. For example, let’s say we have an Observable that emits values. If we want to multicast it, we could use a Subject:

const subject = new Rx.Subject();

const observable = Rx.Observable.from([1, 2, 3]);


In this case, the subject acts as an observer and as an Observable. We’re subscribing it to the Observable, and now any subscriber to this subject will get the values emitted by the Observable. This way, the Observable’s execution is shared among all subscribers of the subject.

13. Describe The Difference Between Share() And ShareReplay() Operators.

Tips to Answer:

  • Understand the fundamental differences between the share() and shareReplay() operators. Be sure to mention that share() creates a hot Observable from a cold one, while shareReplay() replays the last emitted values to new subscribers.
  • Provide practical examples in your response. This will not only demonstrate your understanding of the topic but will also show that you can apply your knowledge in real-world situations.

Sample Answer: There are key differences between the share() and shareReplay() operators in RxJS. The share() operator essentially creates a hot Observable from a cold one. This means that once a source Observable emits values, those values are shared among all subscribers instead of being re-emitted for each new subscriber. This operator is useful when you want to ensure that all subscribers receive the same values at the same time.

On the other hand, the shareReplay() operator not only makes the Observable hot, but it also replays the last emitted values to any new subscribers. This is particularly useful if you want late subscribers to still receive the most recent values emitted by the Observable. For example, if you are developing a live news feed, late subscribers would still be able to see the latest news updates thanks to the shareReplay() operator. So, the choice between share() and shareReplay() would depend on your specific needs and the functionality you are trying to achieve.

14. What Are Schedulers in Rxjs and When Would You Use Them?

Tips to Answer:

  • Start by defining what Schedulers are in the context of RxJS.
  • Then explain why and when you would use them, providing real-life examples can help the interviewer understand better.

Sample Answer: Schedulers in RxJS are centralized dispatchers that control concurrency, allowing us to coordinate the timing of events and computations. They can be used to define in what execution context (an event loop, a Promise, etc.) will the subscription’s code be executed.

For example, if I want to delay the execution of my code, I would use a Scheduler. A typical use case would be when you need to delay the delivery of new data from an Observable until a certain condition is met. Or when attempting to repeat the execution of specific code at set intervals, a Scheduler would be ideal.

Schedulers are also useful for controlling the rate of events, allowing us to buffer, sample, throttle, or debounce the events. They offer great flexibility in managing concurrency in asynchronous data streams, which is a key aspect of reactive programming with RxJS.

15. Explain The Concept Of Higher-Order Observables.

Tips to Answer:

  • Understand the concept of Higher-Order Observables in depth. It is crucial to explain it clearly and accurately.
  • Provide an example to illustrate your explanation. Providing a practical example can help in better understanding.

Sample Answer: Higher-Order Observables are essentially Observables that emit other Observables. This concept comes into play when we need to handle asynchronous data in a complex manner. For instance, let’s consider an Observable that emits multiple values over time. Instead of producing the values directly, this Observable could emit other Observables, each emitting their own values over time.

To illustrate this, imagine we have a button click event in a web application. Each time the button is clicked, we perform an HTTP request to fetch some data. In this case, the button click event can be represented as an Observable, and each HTTP request can also be an Observable. This forms a Higher-Order Observable scenario.

In dealing with Higher-Order Observables, we have several RxJS operators at our disposal, such as switchMap, mergeMap, concatMap, and exhaustMap. These operators help us to control how the Observables emitted by the Higher-Order Observable are subscribed to and combined, providing us with a powerful tool to handle complex asynchronous operations.

16. Explain The Concept Of Higher-Order Observables

Tips to Answer:

  • Tip 1: Start by giving a brief definition of Higher-Order Observables. You can explain that they are a type of Observable which can emit other Observables.
  • Tip 2: Go into detail about how Higher-Order Observables work. You can mention some of the operators specific to them such as mergeAll, switchAll, etc. You may also give a practical example to illustrate your point.

Sample Answer: Higher-Order Observables are essentially Observables that emit other Observables. This might sound a bit complex initially but it’s a powerful concept that allows us to manage asynchronous data streams more efficiently. When we use an operator that returns an Observable, we end up with a chain of Observables, which is a Higher-Order Observable.

For handling these types of Observables, RxJS provides us with specific operators. For example, mergeAll operator subscribes to each inner Observable as it arrives and then merges their output together. On the other hand, the switchAll operator subscribes to the most recent Observable and it automatically unsubscribes from the previous Observable.

Consider this example: We have an Observable that emits every second and for each emission, it maps a new interval Observable that emits every 500 milliseconds. This results in a Higher-Order Observable. We can use the mergeAll operator to get the emissions from the inner Observables as they come.

This concept provides us with a powerful way to manage and manipulate asynchronous data streams in a more flexible and efficient manner.

17. Describe How You Would Use Rxjs To Handle Multiple Api Calls Concurrently.

Tips to Answer:

  • Understand the concept of Observables and how they can handle multiple streams of data.
  • Be familiar with specific operators like forkJoin, combineLatest, or zip that can be used to handle multiple API calls concurrently.

Sample Answer: In RxJS, we can handle multiple API calls concurrently using Observables. Observables are a powerful tool that allow us to work with asynchronous data streams, such as API calls. When we have multiple API calls that need to be made concurrently, we can use certain operators like forkJoin, combineLatest, or zip.

For example, if we have two API calls that we want to make at the same time and wait for both to complete before continuing, we can use the forkJoin operator. This operator will return an Observable that emits an array of the last values emitted by each input Observable, effectively ‘joining’ the results of the API calls together.

On the other hand, if we want to combine the results of multiple API calls as they arrive, we can use the combineLatest operator. This operator will return an Observable that emits an array of the most recent values from each input Observable, providing a combined set of results as soon as any input Observable emits a value.

It’s important to note that in order to handle errors and prevent memory leaks, we should always remember to unsubscribe from our Observables when we’re done with them.

18. How Can Rxjs Be Used To Implement An Autocomplete Feature?

Tips to Answer:

  • Understand what an autocomplete feature is and how it enhances user experience.
  • Know how Observables, Observers, and Operators function within RxJS.
  • Discuss how debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged, and switchMap operators can be used to implement an autocomplete feature.

Sample Answer: In a web application, an autocomplete feature improves user experience by predicting and displaying possible completions for a text input field as the user types. With RxJS, you can efficiently implement this feature using its Observables and operators.

Here’s a simple example. Suppose we have a text input field and we want to display suggestions to the user as they type. We can create an Observable from the input field’s events using fromEvent method.

let input = document.querySelector('input');

let input$ = fromEvent(input, 'keyup');

We now have an Observable (input$) that emits an event each time the user presses a key in the input field. However, we don’t want to send a request to the server after each keystroke – that’s where debounceTime comes in. This operator waits for a specified time interval before passing the most recent value from each burst of emissions.

input$ = input$.pipe(

  map(event => event.target.value),



Next, we use distinctUntilChanged to ensure that we don’t send duplicate requests if the value hasn’t changed.

input$ = input$.pipe(

  map(event => event.target.value),




Finally, we use switchMap to send the request to the server. If a new value arrives before the previous request has completed, switchMap cancels the previous request and sends a new one.

input$ = input$.pipe(

  map(event => event.target.value),



  switchMap(searchTerm => ajax.getJSON(`API_ENDPOINT/${searchTerm}`)


That’s it! Now, we have an efficient autocomplete feature implemented using RxJS.

19. Explain How You Would Use RxJS To Manage State In A Complex Application

Tips to Answer:

  • Do not forget to explain the concept of state management in general before diving into how RxJS can help in managing state in complex applications. This will give your interviewer a clear understanding of your overall knowledge about state management.
  • Give some concrete examples about how you have used RxJS in your previous projects to manage the state. This will showcase your practical experience.

Sample Answer: In a complex application, managing state can be quite challenging, especially when dealing with multiple data streams and user interactions. This is where RxJS comes in. It provides a unified approach to dealing with asynchronous data streams.

In my recent project, I used RxJS to handle state management. I utilized the BehaviorSubject class, which is a type of subject that keeps the current state and emits new values to its subscribers.

For example, if I have a user authentication status to manage, I would create a BehaviourSubject with an initial value of false. When the user logs in, I would call the next() method on the BehaviourSubject to update the value to true, indicating that the user is now authenticated.

Any part of the application interested in the user’s authentication status would subscribe to this BehaviourSubject and react accordingly whenever the status changes.

Managing state in this way allows different parts of the application to reactively respond to changes in state, which is a core principle of reactive programming that RxJS is built upon.

20. How Would You Test RxJS Observables And Operators?

Tips to Answer:

  • It’s crucial to understand the use of testing tools and frameworks such as Jasmine, Mocha, or Jest in testing RxJS observables and operators. Mentioning these in your response will demonstrate your practical knowledge in testing RxJS.
  • Highlight your understanding of marble testing. Explain how it helps in visualizing the observables and their emitted values over time.

Sample Answer: When testing RxJS Observables and operators, I typically employ a testing framework like Jasmine or Jest. These allow me to write comprehensive unit tests for my Observables. For instance, to test an Observable that emits values over time, I can write a test that subscribes to the Observable and then checks if the emitted values match the expected ones.

Additionally, I also make use of marble testing. This technique allows me to represent Observables and their emissions as ASCII diagrams, which simplifies the process of reasoning about their behavior over time. This way, I can visually map out when an Observable should emit a value or when it should complete. A key advantage of marble testing is that it makes the tests more readable and easier to maintain. Finally, I ensure that my tests cover error handling in Observables to confirm that any errors are appropriately caught and handled.

21. What Are The Different Ways To Handle Errors In RxJS?

Tips to Answer:

  • Remember, the interviewer wants to understand your knowledge about error handling in RxJS. So, you must explain the built-in methods provided by RxJS for error handling like catchError, retry, or finalize operators.
  • Use real-world examples or scenarios where you have used these methods to handle errors in RxJS. This will give the interviewer a clear picture of your practical knowledge and how you apply it.

Sample Answer: In my experience, there are several ways to handle errors when using RxJS. One common method is by using the catchError operator. This operator helps to catch errors on the source Observable by returning a new Observable or an error. For instance, if we make an HTTP request and it fails, catchError will catch the error and enable us to handle it appropriately.

Another way to handle errors is by using the retry operator. This operator is useful when we want to retry an Observable sequence if it fails. For example, if we have an HTTP request that fails due to network issues, using a retry operator, we can attempt the request again.

Additionally, the finalize operator can be used to perform cleanup when an Observable completes or errors. This operator is called when the source Observable either completes or errors, making it a good candidate for resource cleanup tasks.

It is important to note that these methods should be used wisely based on the specific requirements and scenarios.

22. Explain the Difference Between Complete() and Error() in an Observable

Tips to Answer:

  • Understand the basics of RxJS and Observables. Be sure to know the difference between complete() and error() methods in an Observable.
  • Construct your answer in a way that demonstrates your knowledge and experience with Observables. Use examples if possible to make your explanation clearer.

Sample Answer: In RxJS, an Observable is a data stream that emits multiple values over time. When we talk about complete() and error(), these are methods that signal the termination of an Observable sequence.

The complete() method is invoked when an Observable sequence successfully completes, i.e., when it has finished emitting all items to its subscribers. After complete() is called, the Observable stops emitting any items or notifications.

On the other hand, the error() method is used when an Observable sequence encounters an error or exception. When error() is called, it halts the Observable and no further items are emitted. The error() method also takes an argument, which is the error or exception that caused the Observable to terminate.

It’s important to note that both methods, complete() and error(), indicate that the Observable has finished its execution and no more data will be streamed. The main difference lies in whether the Observable was able to successfully complete its task or if it encountered an error during its execution.

23. How Does The Retry Operator Work? When Would You Use It?

Tips to Answer:

  • Start by defining what the retry operator is in RxJS and its basic functionality.
  • Give an example to illustrate how the retry operator can be used in a real-world scenario.

Sample Answer: The retry operator in RxJS is a powerful tool that allows us to repeat a source Observable until it successfully emits a value. It’s particularly useful when we’re dealing with operations that may fail due overall network issues or temporary server unavailability. For instance, if we’re making an HTTP request to a server and it fails, we can use the retry operator to automatically repeat the request a specified number of times before finally giving up and throwing an error. This way, we can increase the resilience of our application and improve the user experience, since the user won’t have to manually retry the operation. I would use the retry operator in situations where I expect that an operation might fail intermittently and that a simple retry could solve the issue.

24. What Is The Purpose Of The Finalize Operator?

Tips to Answer:

  • Understand and explain the purpose of the finalize operator in simple terms.
  • Use real-life examples to illustrate how the finalize operator can be used in different scenarios.

Sample Answer: The finalize operator in RxJS is used to perform a certain action when an Observable ends, regardless of how it ends. This can be due to successful completion, an error, or even an unsubscribe action. It’s similar to the finally block in try/catch/finally statements, hence the name ‘finalize’.

For instance, let’s say you’re making an API call that triggers a loading spinner on your web page. You want to hide this spinner whether the call is successful, fails, or if the user navigates away from the page, causing an unsubscribe. You could use the finalize operator to hide the spinner in all these scenarios.

Finalize is a powerful operator to perform clean-up tasks or finalize computations in your reactive programming with RxJS. You can think of it as a safety net, ensuring that certain actions will always be performed at the end of your Observable stream.

25. How Can You Unsubscribe From An Observable To Prevent Memory Leaks?

Tips to Answer:

  • Understand the importance of unsubscribing from an Observable in RxJS. It’s essential to prevent memory leaks in your application.
  • Explain how to unsubscribe from an Observable by using the unsubscribe() method. This method is called on the subscription object returned by the subscribe() method.

Sample Answer: In an application, memory leaks can occur if we do not unsubscribe from Observables when they are no longer needed. In RxJS, when we subscribe to an Observable, it returns a Subscription object. This object has an unsubscribe method which can be used to cancel the subscription. For instance, if we have a subscription like this:

let subscription = observable.subscribe(data => console.log(data));

We can unsubscribe from it like this:


It’s a good practice to always unsubscribe from Observables when the component using it is destroyed or when we don’t need the data from the Observable anymore. This practice helps in keeping the application’s performance optimal and prevents memory leaks.

26. What Are Some Best Practices for Using RxJS in Large-Scale Applications?

Tips to Answer:

  • When talking about best practices, focus on the benefits each practice brings to the table. This could include improved code readability, better performance, and easier maintenance.
  • Use concrete examples where possible. This can help to illustrate your points and make them more understandable.

Sample Answer: In my experience, there are several best practices to follow when using RxJS in large-scale applications. Firstly, it’s crucial to always unsubscribe from observables when they’re no longer needed. This can prevent memory leaks and help to keep the application running smoothly. Secondly, it’s beneficial to use operators like debounceTime or throttleTime to limit the number of events processed by the application. This can significantly improve performance, especially when dealing with user input or real-time data feeds.

Another best practice is to utilize the catchError operator to handle errors globally. This can simplify error handling and make the code easier to read and maintain. Lastly, using subjects can be a good practice, especially when you need to share the same observable among multiple subscribers. This can reduce unnecessary computations and network requests, thereby improving the application’s performance. These practices, coupled with a solid understanding of RxJS concepts, can greatly enhance the use of RxJS in large-scale applications.

27. How Can You Optimize Performance When Working With Large Datasets In RxJS?

Tips to Answer:

  • Discuss the use of operators such as debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged, and filter to limit the amount of data processed.
  • Mention the use of lazy loading strategies for large datasets.

Sample Answer: In my experience, when working with large datasets in RxJS, there are several strategies to optimize performance. One is to use operators like debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged, and filter. These operators help to limit the overall processing of data by eliminating unnecessary operations and repetition. For instance, debounceTime allows you to specify a time window during which all incoming values are ignored, except the last one. On the other hand, distinctUntilChanged only lets through values that are different from the previous one, effectively eliminating duplicate processing.

Additionally, employing lazy loading strategies can help optimize performance when working with large datasets in RxJS. Lazy loading allows you to load and process data only when it is needed, thereby significantly reducing the initial load time and memory usage. This is particularly useful in scenarios where not all data is required to be loaded or processed at once.

28. Explain the Concept of “Leaky Abstractions” in the Context of RxJS

Tips to Answer:

  • Begin by explaining what ‘leaky abstractions’ means in general and then how that concept applies to RxJS specifically.
  • Provide some examples or scenarios where ‘leaky abstractions’ might occur in RxJS to help illustrate your point.

Sample Answer: When we talk about ‘leaky abstractions’ in programming, we refer to a situation where the details of the underlying system or level leak through to the surface. In the context of RxJS, this could happen when the complexities and inner workings of Observables and operators come to the forefront, which could potentially confuse developers who are not familiar with the intricacies of these constructs.

For instance, let’s consider the ‘mergeMap’ operator. It might seem straightforward at first, as it allows us to map values from one Observable to another. However, if we do not fully understand how ‘mergeMap’ handles subscriptions and order of emissions, we might face unexpected results.

Another example could be error handling in RxJS. It’s not always clear how errors propagate through chains of Observables and operators, and how to handle them effectively can be considered a leaky abstraction.

So, understanding these leaky abstractions is crucial in RxJS, as it not only helps us write better code, but it also gives us a deeper understanding of how RxJS works under the hood, making us more efficient and effective developers.

29. How Does RxJS Handle Memory Management? What Should Developers Be Aware Of?

Tips to Answer:

  • Understand the concept of memory management in general and specifically in the context of RxJS. Memory leaks are a common issue in any programming language, and understanding how RxJS handles this is crucial.
  • Give examples of potential pitfalls that developers may encounter when working with memory management in RxJS. Also, explain how to avoid these issues and the best practices to follow.

Sample Answer: As a developer, one of the things I have learned is that RxJS has a robust system for handling memory management. This is largely done through the process of unsubscribing from Observables when they are no longer needed. When you subscribe to an Observable, it holds onto that subscription until you manually unsubscribe from it. This is a crucial aspect to be aware of, as not doing so can lead to memory leaks.

On the other hand, there are certain operators like takeUntil, takeWhile, and first that automatically unsubscribe from the Observable when certain conditions are met. These operators are really useful when dealing with memory management.

As developers, we should be conscious of always cleaning up after our Observables. I would recommend using these auto-unsubscribing operators where possible, and always manually unsubscribing when they aren’t applicable. This will ensure that our applications remain efficient and avoid unnecessary memory usage.

30. Describe Some Common Anti-Patterns in RxJS and How to Avoid Them

Tips to Answer:

  • Keep your answer focused and concise. Make sure to highlight the key anti-patterns in RxJS and provide clear solutions on how to avoid them.
  • Be prepared to provide real-world examples from your experience if possible. This will show that you not only understand the concept, but also know how to apply it in practical scenarios.

Sample Answer: From my experience, a common anti-pattern in RxJS is the misuse of subscriptions. Often, developers subscribe to an observable without unsubscribing when it’s no longer needed, leading to memory leaks. To prevent this, we should always ensure to unsubscribe from observables when they’re not needed anymore.

Another common anti-pattern is overusing Subjects. While Subjects can be useful in certain scenarios, they are often overused in places where a simple Observable would suffice. It’s important to understand when to use each type of Observable.

Additionally, using nested subscriptions is another anti-pattern that should be avoided. Instead, higher-order mapping operators like switchMap, concatMap, or mergeMap can be used. They make the code easier to understand and manage.

Lastly, not handling errors properly can lead to unexpected application behavior. RxJS provides operators like catchError and retry to handle errors effectively. Always ensure to use these operators when dealing with potential error scenarios.


In conclusion, the 30 RxJS interview questions and answers provided are an essential resource for both interviewees and interviewers in the IT field. They cover the fundamental concepts, working principles and various functionalities of RxJS. By studying and understanding these questions, candidates can increase their chances of performing well in interviews and ultimately securing their desired roles. Furthermore, these questions help interviewers to better assess the RxJS knowledge and problem-solving skills of their candidates, ensuring they make informed hiring decisions.

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